Photo of Jeni Slotchiver at the piano
Jeni Slotchiver


American Heritage Liner Notes

Front album cover for American HeritageOn her stunning, deeply felt debut ZOHO CD release, American Heritage, New York classical pianist Jeni Slotchiver presents compositions that honor the vast African-American musical tradition, as well as Union army hymns. There are contemporary arrangements of sea shanties, songs of enslaved people, secular dances, plus arrangements of spirituals. Several compositions recall the strong, Southern voices of gosepl and blues. Of the eight composers, six are of African descent and two of these are women.

Track Title Duration
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912)
1 Deep River, Op. 59, No. 10 (1904) 6:40
Margaret Bonds (1913-1972)
2 Troubled Water (1967) 5:07
Harry Thacker Burleigh (1866-1949)
From the Southland (1967)
3 1. Through Moanin' Pines 2:22
4 2. The Frolic 2:39
5 3. In de Col' Moonlight 2:29
6 4. A Jubilee 3:16
7 5. On Bended Knees 3:56
8 6. A New Hiding-Place 3:30
Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869)
9 Union, Paraphrase de Concert Op. 48 (1862) 8:28
10 The Banjo, Grotesque Fantasie Op. 15 (1854) 4:17
Florence B. Price (1887-1953)
Dances in the Canebreaks (1953)
11 1. Nimble Feet 2:14
12 2. Tropical Noon 3:29
13 3. Silk Hat and Walking Cane 2:46
Robert Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943)
14 Dance — “Juba” (1913) 2:23
William Grant Still (1895-1978)
15 The Blue From Lenox Avenue (1937) 2:39
16 Shenandoah (Traditional folk song)
Arranged by Keith Jarrett, Jeni Slotchiver
Frederic Rzewski (B. 1938)
17 Down by the riverside (1979)
From North American Ballads
William Grant Still (1895-1978)
18 Swanee River (Traditional folk song) (1939) 2:05
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Busoni The Visionary III Liner Notes

Front album cover for Busoni The Visionary III“A CD of great depth - powerful resonances - evocative passages, restored to their fullness by the extraordinary interpretation of Jeni Slotchiver, who shows her world-class playing, endowed with great technique” — Marco del Vaglio, CriticaClassica

Track Title Duration
1 Toccata Preludio - Fantasia - Ciaccona 11:45
2 Ten Variations on a Prelude of Chopin 12:53
Prélude et Etude (en Arpèges)
3 I Prélude 4:19
4 II Etude 4:22
5 Nuit de Noël Esquisse pour le Piano 4:17
6 Fantasia nach Johann Sebastian Bach
Alla Memoria di mio Padre Ferdinando Busoni † il 12 Maggio 1909 †
7 Prelude and Triple Fugue in E Flat Major for Organ BWV 552 (St. Anne) By Johann Sebastian Bach
(transcribed for piano by Busoni)
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Busoni The Visionary II Liner Notes

Front album cover for Busoni The Visionary II“Like the composer, she is no show-off, but a musician who finds a compelling balance between eloquence and restraint. Her every performance is worthy of the highest respect.” — Marcus Dalton, Piano Magazine

Track Title Duration
The Six Sonatinas
1 Sonatina 12:48
2 Sonatina seconda 8:50
3 Sontina ad usum infantis Madeline M. Americanae
pro Clavicimbalo composita
4 Sonatina in diem nativitatis Christi MCMXVII 7:57
5 Sonatina brevis. In Signo Joannis Sebastiani Magni.
In freier Nachdichtung von Bachs Kleiner Fantasie und Fuge d-moll
6 Sonatina super Carmen 8:50
Toccata in C Major for Organ BWV 564 by Johann Sebastian Bach
(transcribed for piano by Busoni)
7 Prelude 6:57
8 Adagio 5:26
9 Fuga 5:13
Available at:

Busoni The Visionary Liner Notes

Front album cover for Busoni The VisionaryCritics Choice: Appropriate for Millennial Reflections “A fascinating program of piano works impressively played by the pianist Jeni Slotchiver. A Vivid performance.” — Anthony Tommasini, The New York Times

Track Title Duration
Red Indian Diary: Book One. (1915)
Four studies on motifs of the North-American Indians
1 Hopi He-Hea Katzina Song. 2:50
2 Cheyenne Song of Victory. 1:49
3 Pima Blue Bird Song.
Lagunas Corn-Grinding Song.
4 Wabanakis Passamquoddy Dance Song.
Hopi He-Hea Katzina Song.
Seven Elegies
5 Nach der Wendung. Recueillement
(After the Turning. Resolution)
6 All’ Italia! In modo napolitano
(To Italy! In Neapolitan style)
7 ‘Meine Seele bangt und hofft zu Dir…’ Choralvorspeil
(‘My Soul fears and hopes for you…’)
8 Turandot’s Frauengemach. Intermezzo
(The boudoir of Turandot.)
9 Die Nächtlichen. Walzer
(The Nightly.)
10 Erscheinung. Notturno
(The Vision.)
11 Berceuse
12 Chaconne (transcribed for piano)
from Partita D Minor for Solo Violin, by J.S. Bach
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